Tamagotchi Connection V 4.5

Food Icon – if your tamagotchi is hungry, you click on that icon and click meal. you chose a food and give it to your tamagotchi. if your tamagotchi is not happy, you use the snack icon and feed it snacks to make it happy.
Toilet Icon – if your tamagotchi has pooped, you click on that icon and it cleans the screen. if the tamagotchi has little squiggly lines coming up from the ground, click the toilet icon for the tamagotchi to actually sit on the toilet.
Games Icon – if you want to play a game, click on this icon. you can play games, shop, enter in passwords and view items you have.
Connect Icon – you can connect with other V3 tamagotchis and you might be able to connect with V4.5 tamagotchis.
Communicate Icon – if your tamagotchi starts crying, you click that icon, and then click the praise icon. if the tamagotchi calls for your attention, but is happy and full, you click that icon and then the timeout icon.
First Aid Icon – if your tamagotchi is sick, or has a cavity, you click that icon. if you have already clicked it and it is still sick, you click it one more time.
Lights Icon – if your tamagotchi goes to sleep, you click on that icon and turn off the lights. to turn the lights back on, you do the same thing except click on.
History Icon – to view your family or family history, you click this icon. also, if you want to donate to the king, view your friends, or see the presents your friends have given you, you click on that icon.
Attention Icon – this icon lights up if the tamagotchi wants your attention.
the icon that i didn’t label is the icon you click to view your stats. To see if your tamagotchi is hunry or not happy, you click to see.


Food Icon – when a tamagotchi is hungry, you click on this icon to feed it. you click meal and feed it till it isn’t hungry anymore…..(the description is the same as the V3 tamagotchi)
Toilet Icon – (description is the same as the V3 tamagotchi above)
Games Icon – (description is the same as the V3 tamagotchi above)
Connect Icon – in this icon (ON THE V4.5) you can go to work (or school if you are a kid or teenager). also, you can get your login password for tamagotchitown.com (the login password changes every time you visit). you can also do the things the V3s can, too.
Communicate Icon – (description is the same as the V3 tamagotchi above)
First Aid Icon – (description is the same as the V3 tamagotchi above)
Mail Icon(a V3 tamagotchi does not have this) – the mail icon is something that means you can get mail. you can be visited by the king whos gives you stuff, or a burgalur who can take your Gotchi (the tamagotchi money). you can also get a heart, snake, or poop. if you get a star, your skills can upgrade. if you have an alert mail, you can go to pre-school, elementary school, or get a job offer.
History Icon – (description is the same as the V3 tamagotchi above)
Attention Icon – (description is the same as the V3 tamagotchi above)

Tamagotchi connection v 4.5 softwareTamagotchi Connection V 4.5

Tamagotchi Connection V 4.5 -

Tamagotchi Connection V 4.5

Tamagotchi Connection V4.5

(may only be for v 4.5 but not sure)Hey ive got a really cool cheat that can get you up to 9900 tama points in tamatown! Here: go to tama burger and as soon as kuchpachi flips the first ingrediant quit. Then go to tama pizza and play that untill time runs out but you have to get at least 4 pizzas to make this cheat work. I beat tug of war with my celebtchi on my tamagotchi connection v4.5! It's definitely one of my favorite games. Just hit the middle (B) button when your bar. Sep 24, 2013 - Tamagotchi Connection V 4.5 Original Virtual Pet - Black Flames Bandai.