Bricklayer Game


Play Brickshooter Egypt online for Free on Agame. This game is currently blocked due to the new privacy regulation and isn't currently controlling it. In order for you to continue playing this game, you'll need to click 'accept' in the banner below. Brickshooter Egypt is a revolutionary brain-teasing adventure across 60 captivating levels. The difficulty increases with your 2nd and 3rd replay and provides for hundreds of exciting levels in all. If the stunning Egyptian themed graphics and soundtrack don't hook you, the gameplay will. Unlock the secrets of the pharaohs today.

The Bricklayer install software bundles an IDE, a set of graphics libraries, and web viewer. This provides a self-environment for constructing Bricklayer programs and viewing the results of their execution.

  • Bricklayer exe – Bricklayer IDE (version 3.0.0 – 2019.05.29)
  • Bricklayer zip – Bricklayer IDE (version 3.0.0 – 2019.05.29)

IMPORTANT: is a small organization. While we do use a code signing certificate with our builds, virus protection tools tend to aggressively flag the Bricklayer executable as dangerous/bad and remove it shortly after download. You need admin privileges to overcome this problem.

Bricklayer programs have a “dot-bl” extension (e.g., A Bricklayer program can be run by opening it using the Bricklayer IDE (aka Bricklayer) and then clicking on the run button.

In addition to its native web viewing capabilities, the Bricklayer graphics library also ties seamlessly to various third-party display tools (see the Bricklayer documentation for more details). The two primary third-party display tools are LEGO Digital Designer (LDD) and LDraw.

Bricklayer Game

  • Link to LDD download – LDD (version 4.3.11)
  • Link to LDraw download – LDraw
Bricklayer Game

Validating that an Install is Working

To validate that your installation is successful, download the following zipped Bricklayer program to any folder you like: Test Program. Navigate to that location and unzip the file. The result is a file named

To run Bricklayer you must do the following:

  1. Using the left mouse button, drag the target file (e.g., on top of the Bricklayer IDE icon. Alternately, if the Bricklayer IDE is open then drag the target file onto the text editor pane.
  2. Using the left mouse button, click on the run icon at the bottom of the Bricklayer IDE.

NOTE: To execute properly, Bricklayer programs must have a “bl” extension (e.g.,

Integrating Bricklayer with Minecraft

For instructions on what additional software needs to be downloaded and installed in order to integrate Bricklayer with Minecraft go here.



Written inWritten forLanguageGraphicsPublishedSize
Apple II+Apple II+Applesoft BASICHi-ResN/A208 sectors

Bricklayer was the very first 'big' game I wrote. At the time, I was learning AppleSoft BASIC at a furious pace and was getting a better feel for hi-res graphics and at the same time I was addicted to Chuck Somerville's excellent Snake Byte game. So, in true form I decided to make a game like it.

My previous games had levels of difficulty but they were all internal to the game. My goal for this game was to have multiple files for the different buildings in the game and each building would have a certain number of levels in it. When you complete one building, you move onto the next building - the next BASIC program that holds the next set of levels.

You'll notice, if you dare play this game, that I had lots of problems with dirty graphics and collision detection. It was many years before I thought of keeping track of on-screen data in an internal matrix. So for years all my collision detection was done with the pixels on the screen - Ugh. I mean, even the game programming books back then were teaching this style of collision.

This is the directory of the Bricklayer disk, called a CATALOG in Apple II parlance. You'll notice that at this time I learned how to change the disk volume label and I made it an abbreviated form of Capitol Ideas Software, my little software 'company'. Of course, the company was all in my little head back there since I never incorporated.

The main file, BRICKLAYER, is the short 3-item menu you see when it boots up.

I used to be impressed by games like Nasir's Gorgon when it speed-booted and the screen filled with if the game were hiding something from me. It was all so mysterious. So to instill a shadow of the mystery I felt when booting copy protected disks, I created a hi-res screen full of garbage pixels and saved it out as a full screen image (MESSPIC1) and purposely loaded it up at the start of BRICKLAYER.


Anyway, you can also see that the four buildings of the game are in the files BRICK1-4. The DEMO.BRICK file is the demo mode of the game. The DEMO1-4 files are short intermissions between the buildings. If you LIST the programs, you'll see my lame attempt at protecting the listing - it doesn't stop you from listing the code because I made an error when I typed the first line of the code. Just before that PR#6 was supposed to be a CHR$(4) which in DOS 3.3 would execute the text following it as a command. PR#6 would boot the Apple II. But I didn't type the CTRL-D (which is CHR$(4)) properly so it failed. Sigh.

This was the first game I had written that had an instruction page in graphics. The text is a little humorous - just keep in mind that I was 14 years old when I wrote it. Well, I guess you could tell I was young by the year I made the game.

Back during this time I was doing a lot of drawing and I really loved all the cardboard folders that the early games had - the artwork on them was just great and I wanted to do the same thing for my games. Even the disks sometimes had neat artwork on them. So I tried my hand at doing it myself and Bricklayer was the first game I did this with.

The disk says 'version 3.1' on it - I actually had revised the game several times before finishing it. Perhaps a higher version number would fool the consumer into buying such a refined piece of garbage?


You're the Bricklayer - you must build your walls and pick up your boxes of bricks to continue building your wall. But don't build yourself into a corner and hit your own walls!


I, J, L, K. You can define your own controls.


Bricklayer Computer Game

There are many levels and intermissions after completing a building. There are also many bugs such as (1) whatever movement key you pressed last is the direction you'll go when you start the level again (2) sometimes the brick box will appear inside a wall, impossible to grab.