Black Cauldron Game

  1. Black Cauldron Game Online

Based on the Disney movie of the same name, The Black Cauldron focuses on the story of Taran, who is an assistant Pig-keeper in the land of Caer Dalben. One day Taran notices that one of his pigs, Hen Wen has magical powers. The Evil Horned King wants the pig so that he can locate the Black Cauldron and ultimately rule the world. Taran must now embark on a mission to rescue Hen Wen and defeat the Evil Horned King before he can discover the Cauldron’s location.

The Black Cauldron is a side-view adventure game. Black Cauldron works fine under DOSBox 0.72, but you can get enhanced sound from the original version by changing your dosbox.conf file to emulate a Tandy computer.

  • The Black Cauldron game description. Based on the Disney movie of the same name, The Black Cauldron focuses on the story of Taran, who is an assistant Pig-keeper in the land of Caer Dalben. One day Taran notices that one of his pigs, Hen Wen has magical powers. The Evil Horned King wants the pig so that he can locate the Black Cauldron.
  • How 'The Black Cauldron' Nearly Killed Disney Animation. It was supposed to be the movie that put Walt Disney Feature Animation (as it was then known) back on the map, its release.
  • The Black Cauldron was the last of the pre-Michael Eisner Disney animated feature-length movies. Disney had no software developers back then and had seen my very early game, Troll's Tale. They asked me to do a movie spinoff using its simplified Spacebar & Enter key-only interface.

The Black Cauldron is a side-view adventure game. Gameplay is similar to other Sierra adventure games of its day (such as Space Quest II or King’s Quest III) but does not use a text parser. Instead the function keys are used to initiate actions. Players control Taran and can make him walk, run, swim and interact (talk) with other characters in the game. Puzzle-solving and advancement in the plot requires item manipulation of using the right item at the right time or at the right location.

Black cauldron pc gameBlack Cauldron Game

Game Info

  • Genre: Adventure
  • Publisher: Sierra On-Line, Inc.
  • Year: 1986

Black Cauldron Game Online

Wallpapers / Screenshots