Loopback 2.1.2

This tutorial walks you through the MySQL connector implementation to teach youhow to develop a connector for relational databases.

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Understand a connector's responsibilities

In LoopBack, models encapsulate business data and logic as JavaScript propertiesand methods. One of the powerful features of LoopBack is that application developers don't have to implement all behaviors for their models as a lot of them are already provided by the framework out of box with data sources and connectors. For example, a model automatically receives the create, retrieve, update, and delete (CRUD) functions if it is attached to a data source for adatabase. LoopBack abstracts the persistence layer and other backend services, such as REST APIs, SOAP web services, and storage services, and so on, as data sources, which are configurations of backend connectivity and integration. Each data source is backed a connector which implements the interactions betweenNode.js and its underlying backend system. Iomega zip parallel driver for mac. Connectors are responsible for mapping model method invocations to backend functions, such as database operations or call to REST or SOAP APIs. The following diagram illustrates howconnectors fit into the big picture of LoopBack API framework.

Please note that you don't always have to develop a connector to allow your application to interact with other systems. Ad-hoc integration can be done with custom methods on the model. The custom methods can be implemented using other Node modules, such as drivers or clients to your backend.

You should consider to develop a connector for common and reusable backend integrations, for example:

  • Integrate with a backend such as databases
  • Reusable logic to interact with another system

There are a few typical types of connectors based on what backends they connectto and interact with.

  • Databases that support full CRUD operations
    • Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Postgresql, MongoDB, In-memory DB
  • Other forms of existing APIs
    • REST APIs exposed by your backend
    • SOAP/HTTP web services
  • Services
    • E-mail
    • Push notification
    • Storage

The connectors are mostly transparent to models. Their functions are mixed intomodel classes through data source attachments.

Most of the connectors need to implement the following logic:

  • Lifecycle handlers

    • initialize: receive configuration from the data source settings and initialize the connector instance
    • connect: create connections to the backend system
    • disconnect: close connections to the backend system
    • ping (optional): check if the connectivity
  • Model method delegations

    • Delegating model method invocations to backend calls, for example CRUD
  • Connector metadata (optional)

    • Model definition for the configuration, such as host/url/user/password
    • What data access interfaces are implemented by the connector (the capability of the connector)
    • Connector-specific model/property mappings

To mixin methods onto model classes, a connector must choose what functions tooffer. Different types of connectors implement different interfaces that groupa set of common methods, for example:

  • Database connectors

    • CRUD methods, such as create, find, findById, deleteAll, updateAll, count
  • E-mail connector

    • send()
  • Storage connector

    • Container/File operations, such as createContainer, getContainers, getFiles,upload, download, deleteFile, deleteContainer
  • Push Notification connector

    • notify()
  • REST connector

    • Map operations from existing REST APIs
  • SOAP connector

    • Map WSDL operations

In this tutorial, we'll focus on building a connector for databases that providethe full CRUD capabilities.

Understand a database connector with CRUD operations

LoopBack unifies all CRUD based database connectors so that a model can chooseto attach to any of the supported database. There are a few classes involved here:

  1. PersistedModelClass defines all the methods mixed into a model for persistence.

  2. The DAO facade maps the PersistedModel methods to connector implementations.

  3. CRUD methods need to be implemented by connectors

In the next sections, we will use MySQL connector as an example to walk throughhow to implement a SQL based connector.

Define a module and export the initialize function

A LoopBack connector is packaged as a Node.js module that can be installed usingnpm install. LoopBack runtime loads the module via require on behalf of data source configuration, for example, require('loopback-connector-mysql');. The connector module should export an initialize function as follows:

After the initialization, the dataSource object will have the following properties added:

  • connector: The connector instance
  • driver: The module for the underlying database driver (mysql for MySQL)

The initialize function should calls the callback function once the connectorhas been initialized.

Create a subclass of SqlConnector

Connectors for relational databases have a lot of things in common. They are responsible for mapping CRUD operations to SQL statements. LoopBack provides abase class called SqlConnector that encapsulates the common logic for inheritance.The following code snippet is used to create a subclass of SqlConnector.

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Implement methods to interact with the database

A connector implements the following methods to communicate with the underlyingdatabase.

Connect to the database


The connect method establishes connections to the database. In most cases, aconnection pool will be created based on the data source settings, includinghost, port, database, and other configuration properties.

Disconnect from the database

The disconnect method close connections to the database. Most database driversprovide APIs.

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Ping the database

The ping method tests if the connection to the database is healthy. Mostconnectors choose to implement it by executing a simple SQL statement.

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Implement CRUD methods

The connector is responsible for implementing the following CRUD methods. The good news is that the base SqlConnector now have most of the methods implementedwith the extension point to override certain behaviors that are specific to theunderlying database.

To extend from SqlConnector, the minimum set of methods below must be implemented:

Execute a SQL statement with parameters

The executeSQL method is the core function that a connector has to implement. Most of other CRUD methods are delegated to the query function. It executes a SQL statement with an array of parameters. SELECT statements will produce an array of records representing matching rows from the database while other statements such as INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE will report the number of rows changed during the operation.

Map values between a model property and a database column

Helpers to generate SQL statements and parse responses from DB drivers

Override other methods

There are a list of methods that serve as default implementations in the SqlConnector.The connector can choose to override such methods to customize the behaviors. Pleasesee a complete list at http://apidocs.strongloop.com/loopback-connector/.

Implement database/model synchronization methods

It's often desirable to apply model definitions to the underlying relationaldatabase to provision or update schema objects so that they stay synchronizedwith the model definitions.

automigrate and autoupdate

There are two flavors:

Loopback 2.1.2
  • automigrate - Drop existing schema objects if exist and create them based on model definitions. Existing data will be lost.
  • autoupdate - Detects the difference between schema objects and model definitions, alters the database schema objects. Existing data will be kept.

The automigrate and autoupdate operations are usually mapped to a sequence of DDL statements.

Build a CREATE TABLE statement

Check if models have corresponding tables

Alter a table

Build column definition clause for a given model

Build index definition clause for a given model property

Build indexes for a given model

Build column definition for a given model property

Build column type for a given model property

Implement model discovery from database schemas

For relational databases that have schema definitions, the connector can implement the discovery capability to reverse engineer database schemas intomodel definitions.

Build a SQL statement to list schemas

Build a SQL statement to list tables

Discover schemas

Discover a list of models

Loopback 2.2.3

Discover a list of model properties for a given table

Discover primary keys for a given table

Discover foreign keys for a given table

Discover exported foreign keys for a given table

Loopback 4.0

Discover indexes for a given table

Map column definition to model property definition

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Build SQL statements to discover database objects