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  6. Jre 6

This section explains how to install Java Access Bridge 2.0.2

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Uninstall all previous versions of Java Access Bridge before installing this version.

The following topics are covered:

What's New in This Release

Java Access Bridge 2.0.2 includes updated APIs to support 64-bit systems. Assistive Technology vendors will need to update their applications in order use the new 64-bit Java Access Bridge APIs. Java Access Bridge 2.0.2 also includes packages to support 32-bit Windows systems (legacy systems). See the section 'Supported Scenarios' for more information.

Supported System Configurations

For a list of supported system configurations, including supported versions of Microsoft Windows, see the section 'Oracle Branded Releases of Sun Products Supported Configuration' in 'Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations' at the following URL:

Supported Versions of Java SE

Java Access Bridge 2.0.2 supports Java SE 5 and later. Use Java Access Bridge 2.0.1 with earlier versions of Java SE.

Supported Scenarios

Each row in the following table is a scenario supported by this version of Java Access Bridge. (The term 'legacy' refers to 32-bit inter-process communication.) Consult with your Assistive Technology vendor to determine the most appropriate scenario for your environment:

Jre 627

Table 2-1 Supported Scenarios

Windows Operating SystemJava RuntimeInter-Process CommunicationAssistive Technology Application

64-bit Windows

64-bit JRE


Recompiled 32- or 64-bit, using 64-bit inter-process communication

64-bit Windows

32-bit JRE


Recompiled 32- or 64-bit, using 64-bit inter-process communication

32-bit Windows

32-bit JRE

32-bit (legacy)

Existing 32-bit, using 32-bit inter-process communication

Downloading Java Access Bridge 2.0.2

Download Java Access Bridge 2.0.2 from the Java Access Bridge Home Page at the following URL:

Installing Java Access Bridge for Windows 64-Bit

Follow these steps to install Java Access Bridge 2.0.2 on a Microsoft Windows 64-bit system:

  1. Copy the following files to the specified destination directories:

    • %WINDOWSHOME% is the directory where Microsoft Windows is installed (for example, C:WINDOWS).

    • %JAVAHOME64% is the directory where your JDK or JRE for 64-bit systems is installed. The following are examples of directory names for Java SE 6 Update 24 for 64-bit systems:

      • JDK: C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_24jre

      • JRE: C:Program FilesJavajre6

    • %JAVAHOME32% is the directory where your JDK or JRE for 32-bit systems is installed. The following are examples of directory names for Java SE 6 Update 24 for 32-bit systems:

      • JDK: C:Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.6.0_24jre

      • JRE: C:Program Files (x86)Javajre6


      Java Access Bridge supports multiple JDKs and JREs on one system. Copy the appropriate files to your system depending on the JDKs and JREs installed on your system.

    Table 2-2 Java Access Bridge Windows Libraries and Related Files for Windows 64-Bit

    Java Access Bridge FileDestination Directory














    %JAVAHOME32%lib and %JAVAHOME64%lib depending on the JDKs and JREs installed on your system






    %JAVAHOME32%libext and %JAVAHOME64%libext depending on the JDKs and JREs installed on your system

  2. Assistive Technology applications must be recompiled to support this version of Java Access Bridge. To test that you have installed Java Access Bridge properly, run the SwingSet2 application and then run the JavaMonkey-64.exe or JavaMonkey-32.exe application. Select File > Refresh Tree in the Java Monkey application and the SwingSet2 application should appear. Alternatively, you can run the JavaFerret-64.exe or JavaFerret-32.exe application.

    Willson euphonium serial numbers. Notes:

    You can run JavaMonkey-32.exe, JavaMonkey-64.exe, JavaFerret-32.exe, or JavaFerret-64.exe on a 64-bit system with a 32-bit or 64-bit JRE.

    Java Access Bridge for Windows 32-bit operating systems uses 32-bit inter-process communication between Assistive Technology applications and the JRE. However, Java Access Bridge for Windows 64-bit operating systems uses 64-bit inter-process communication. Consequently, 32-bit applications need to link to 32-bit DLLs, while 64-bit applications need to link to 64-bit DLLs. However, DLL and JAR files that have -32 and -64 in their file names use 64-bit inter-process communication.

Installing Java Access Bridge for Windows 32-Bit

Follow these steps to install Java Access Bridge 2.0.2 on a Microsoft Windows 32-bit system:

  1. Copy the following files to the specified destination directories, where %WINDOWSHOME% is the directory where Microsoft Windows is installed (for example, C:WINDOWS), and %JAVAHOME% is the directory where your JDK or JRE is installed. The following are examples of directory names for Java SE 6 Update 24:

    • JDK: C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_24jre

    • JRE: C:Program FilesJavajre6

    Table 2-3 Java Access Bridge Windows Libraries and Related Files for Windows 32-Bit

    Java Access Bridge FileDestination Directory













  2. To test that you have installed Java Access Bridge properly, run the SwingSet2 application and then run the JavaMonkey.exe application. Select File > Refresh Tree in the Java Monkey application and the SwingSet2 application should appear. Alternatively, you can run the JavaFerret.exe application.



Java Access Bridge for Windows 32-bit operating systems uses 32-bit inter-process communication between Assistive Technology applications and the JRE. Java Access Bridge should work for existing Assistive Technology applications on 32-bit systems.


Jre 6 Download

Uninstalling Java Access Bridge

Follow these steps to uninstall this version of Java Access Bridge:

  1. Stop or unload any running instances of your Assistive Technology applications. Refer to the documentation of your Assistive Technology application for more information on how to do this.

  2. Delete all the files that you copied in the 'Installing Java Access Bridge for Windows 64-Bit' or 'Installing Java Access Bridge for Windows 32-Bit' sections.


This section lists the files that are included in this version of Java Access Bridge:

  • Common Files:

    • README.txt

    • accessibility.properties

    • jaccess.jar

  • 64-Bit Inter-Process Communication:

    • Files Used by 64-Bit Applications:

      • access-bridge-64.jar

      • JavaAccessBridge-64.dll

      • JAWTAccessBridge-64.dll

      • WindowsAccessBridge-64.dll

      • JavaMonkey-64.exe

      • JavaFerret-64.exe

    • Files Used by 32-Bit Applications:

      • access-bridge-32.jar

      • JavaAccessBridge-32.dll

      • JAWTAccessBridge-32.dll

      • WindowsAccessBridge-32.dll

      • JavaMonkey-32.exe

      • JavaFerret-32.exe

  • Files Specific to 32-Bit Windows Using 32-Bit/Legacy Inter-Process Communication:

    • access-bridge.jar

    • JavaAccessBridge.dll

    • JAWTAccessBridge.dll

    • WindowsAccessBridge.dll

    • JavaMonkey.exe

    • JavaFerret.exe

  • Source:

    • srcsampleJavaFerret.cpp

    • srcsampleJavaMonkey.cpp

    • srcincludeAccessBridge.h

    • srcincludeAccessBridgeCallbacks.h

    • srcincludeAccessBridgeCalls.c

    • srcincludeAccessBridgeCalls.h

    • srcincludeAccessBridgePackages.h

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